return c.inline && r.removeClass("dropdown-menu"), h && r.addClass("usetwentyfour"), A("s") && !h && r.addClass("wider"), c.sideBySide && L() && F() ? (r.addClass("timepicker-sbs"), "top" === c.toolbarPlacement && r.append(d), r.append(de("").addClass("row").append(i.addClass("col-md-6")).append(o.addClass("col-md-6"))), "bottom" === c.toolbarPlacement && r.append(d), r) : ("top" === c.toolbarPlacement && s.append(d), L() && s.append(de("
").addClass(c.collapse && F() ? "collapse in show" : "").append(i)), "default" === c.toolbarPlacement && s.append(d), F() && s.append(de("").addClass(c.collapse && L() ? "collapse" : "").append(o)), "bottom" === c.toolbarPlacement && s.append(d), s.find(".collapse").on("show.bs.collapse", function (e) {
de(e.target).addClass("in show")
}).on("hidden.bs.collapse", function (e) {
de(e.target).removeClass("in show")
}), r.append(s))
}, z = function () {
var e, t = (m || i).position(), n = (m || i).offset(), a = c.widgetPositioning.vertical,
r = c.widgetPositioning.horizontal;
if (c.widgetParent) e = c.widgetParent.append(y); else if (i.is("input")) e = i.after(y).parent(); else {
if (c.inline) return void (e = i.append(y));
(e = i).children().first().after(y)
if ("auto" === a && (a = n.top + 1.5 * y.height() >= de(window).height() + de(window).scrollTop() && y.height() + i.outerHeight() < n.top ? "top" : "bottom"), "auto" === r && (r = e.width() < n.left + y.outerWidth() / 2 && n.left + y.outerWidth() > de(window).width() ? "right" : "left"), "top" === a ? y.addClass("top").removeClass("bottom") : y.addClass("bottom").removeClass("top"), "right" === r ? y.addClass("pull-right") : y.removeClass("pull-right"), "static" === e.css("position") && (e = e.parents().filter(function () {
return "static" !== de(this).css("position")
}).first()), 0 === e.length) throw new Error("datetimepicker component should be placed within a non-static positioned container");
top: "top" === a ? "auto" : t.top + i.outerHeight(),
bottom: "top" === a ? e.outerHeight() - (e === i ? 0 : t.top) : "auto",
left: "left" === r ? e === i ? 0 : t.left : "auto",
right: "left" === r ? "auto" : e.outerWidth() - i.outerWidth() - (e === i ? 0 : t.left)
}, N = function (e) {
"dp.change" === e.type && (e.date && e.date.isSame(e.oldDate) || !e.date && !e.oldDate) || i.trigger(e)
}, V = function (e) {
"y" === e && (e = "YYYY"), N({type: "dp.update", change: e, viewDate: f.clone()})
}, Z = function (e) {
y && (e && (o = Math.max(b, Math.min(3, o + e))), y.find(".datepicker > div").hide().filter(".datepicker-" + t[o].clsName).show())
}, R = function (e, t) {
if (!e.isValid()) return !1;
if (c.disabledDates && "d" === t && (n = e, !0 === c.disabledDates[n.format("YYYY-MM-DD")])) return !1;
var n, a, r, i;
if (c.enabledDates && "d" === t && (a = e, !0 !== c.enabledDates[a.format("YYYY-MM-DD")])) return !1;
if (c.minDate && e.isBefore(c.minDate, t)) return !1;
if (c.maxDate && e.isAfter(c.maxDate, t)) return !1;
if (c.daysOfWeekDisabled && "d" === t && -1 !== c.daysOfWeekDisabled.indexOf(e.day())) return !1;
if (c.disabledHours && ("h" === t || "m" === t || "s" === t) && (r = e, !0 === c.disabledHours[r.format("H")])) return !1;
if (c.enabledHours && ("h" === t || "m" === t || "s" === t) && (i = e, !0 !== c.enabledHours[i.format("H")])) return !1;
if (c.disabledTimeIntervals && ("h" === t || "m" === t || "s" === t)) {
var o = !1;
if (de.each(c.disabledTimeIntervals, function () {
if (e.isBetween(this[0], this[1])) return !(o = !0)
}), o) return !1
return !0
}, Q = function () {
var e, t, n, a = y.find(".datepicker-days"), r = a.find("th"), i = [], o = [];
if (L()) {
for (r.eq(0).find("span").attr("title", c.tooltips.prevMonth), r.eq(1).attr("title", c.tooltips.selectMonth), r.eq(2).find("span").attr("title", c.tooltips.nextMonth), a.find(".disabled").removeClass("disabled"), r.eq(1).text(f.format(c.dayViewHeaderFormat)), R(f.clone().subtract(1, "M"), "M") || r.eq(0).addClass("disabled"), R(f.clone().add(1, "M"), "M") || r.eq(2).addClass("disabled"), e = f.clone().startOf("M").startOf("w").startOf("d"), n = 0; n < 42; n++) 0 === e.weekday() && (t = de(""), c.calendarWeeks && t.append('' + e.week() + " | "), i.push(t)), o = ["day"], e.isBefore(f, "M") && o.push("old"), e.isAfter(f, "M") && o.push("new"), e.isSame(u, "d") && !p && o.push("active"), R(e, "d") || o.push("disabled"), e.isSame(j(), "d") && o.push("today"), 0 !== e.day() && 6 !== e.day() || o.push("weekend"), N({
type: "dp.classify",
date: e,
classNames: o
}), t.append('' + e.date() + " | "), e.add(1, "d");
var s, d, l;
a.find("tbody").empty().append(i), s = y.find(".datepicker-months"), d = s.find("th"), l = s.find("tbody").find("span"), d.eq(0).find("span").attr("title", c.tooltips.prevYear), d.eq(1).attr("title", c.tooltips.selectYear), d.eq(2).find("span").attr("title", c.tooltips.nextYear), s.find(".disabled").removeClass("disabled"), R(f.clone().subtract(1, "y"), "y") || d.eq(0).addClass("disabled"), d.eq(1).text(f.year()), R(f.clone().add(1, "y"), "y") || d.eq(2).addClass("disabled"), l.removeClass("active"), u.isSame(f, "y") && !p && l.eq(u.month()).addClass("active"), l.each(function (e) {
R(f.clone().month(e), "M") || de(this).addClass("disabled")
}), function () {
var e = y.find(".datepicker-years"), t = e.find("th"), n = f.clone().subtract(5, "y"),
a = f.clone().add(6, "y"), r = "";
for (t.eq(0).find("span").attr("title", c.tooltips.prevDecade), t.eq(1).attr("title", c.tooltips.selectDecade), t.eq(2).find("span").attr("title", c.tooltips.nextDecade), e.find(".disabled").removeClass("disabled"), c.minDate && c.minDate.isAfter(n, "y") && t.eq(0).addClass("disabled"), t.eq(1).text(n.year() + "-" + a.year()), c.maxDate && c.maxDate.isBefore(a, "y") && t.eq(2).addClass("disabled"); !n.isAfter(a, "y");) r += '' + n.year() + "", n.add(1, "y");
}(), function () {
var e, t = y.find(".datepicker-decades"), n = t.find("th"),
a = le({y: f.year() - f.year() % 100 - 1}), r = a.clone().add(100, "y"), i = a.clone(), o = !1,
s = !1, d = "";
for (n.eq(0).find("span").attr("title", c.tooltips.prevCentury), n.eq(2).find("span").attr("title", c.tooltips.nextCentury), t.find(".disabled").removeClass("disabled"), (a.isSame(le({y: 1900})) || c.minDate && c.minDate.isAfter(a, "y")) && n.eq(0).addClass("disabled"), n.eq(1).text(a.year() + "-" + r.year()), (a.isSame(le({y: 2e3})) || c.maxDate && c.maxDate.isBefore(r, "y")) && n.eq(2).addClass("disabled"); !a.isAfter(r, "y");) e = a.year() + 12, o = c.minDate && c.minDate.isAfter(a, "y") && c.minDate.year() <= e, s = c.maxDate && c.maxDate.isAfter(a, "y") && c.maxDate.year() <= e, d += '' + (a.year() + 1) + " - " + (a.year() + 12) + "", a.add(12, "y");
d += "", t.find("td").html(d), n.eq(1).text(i.year() + 1 + "-" + a.year())
}, e = function () {
var e, t, n, a, r, i, o, s, d, l, c;
h || (e = y.find(".timepicker [data-action=togglePeriod]"), t = u.clone().add(12 <= u.hours() ? -12 : 12, "h"), R(t, "h") ? e.removeClass("disabled") : e.addClass("disabled")), n = y.find(".timepicker-hours table>tbody"), a = f.clone(), r = "", r += "
" + C + I(a.hour(11)) + I(a.hour(12), "top") + I(a.hour(1)) + C + "
", r += "" + I(a.hour(10)) + C + M + C + I(a.hour(2)) + "
", r += "" + I(a.hour(9), "left") + T("h") + I(a.hour(3), "right") + "
", r += "" + I(a.hour(8)) + C + S + C + I(a.hour(4)) + "
", r += "" + C + I(a.hour(7)) + I(a.hour(6), "bottom") + I(a.hour(5)) + C + "
", n.empty().html(r), i = y.find(".timepicker-minutes table>tbody"), o = f.clone(), s = "", s += "" + C + Y(o.minute(55)) + Y(o.minute(0), "top") + Y(o.minute(5)) + C + "
", s += "" + Y(o.minute(50)) + C + P + C + Y(o.minute(10)) + "
", s += "" + Y(o.minute(45), "left") + T("m") + Y(o.minute(15), "right") + "
", s += "" + Y(o.minute(40)) + C + O + C + Y(o.minute(20)) + "
", s += "" + C + Y(o.minute(35)) + Y(o.minute(30), "bottom") + Y(o.minute(25)) + C + "
", i.empty().html(s), d = y.find(".timepicker-seconds table>tbody"), l = f.clone(), c = "", c += "" + C + q(l.second(55)) + q(l.second(0), "top") + q(l.second(5)) + C + "
", c += "" + q(l.second(50)) + C + E + C + q(l.second(10)) + "
", c += "" + q(l.second(45), "left") + T("s") + q(l.second(15), "right") + "
", c += "" + q(l.second(40)) + C + H + C + q(l.second(20)) + "
", c += "" + C + q(l.second(35)) + q(l.second(30), "bottom") + q(l.second(25)) + C + "
", d.empty().html(c);
var p = y.find(".timepicker span[data-time-component]");
p.filter("[data-time-component=hours]").text(u.format(h ? "HH" : "hh")), p.filter("[data-time-component=minutes]").text(u.format("mm")), p.filter("[data-time-component=seconds]").text(u.format("ss")), p.filter("[data-time-component=period]").text(u.format("A")), "PM" == u.format("A") ? y.find(".timepicker").addClass("pm-view") : y.find(".timepicker").removeClass("pm-view")
}, U = function () {
y && (Q(), e())
}, G = function (e) {
var t = p ? null : u;
if (!e) return p = !0, n.val(""), i.data("date", ""), N({
type: "dp.change",
date: !1,
oldDate: t
}), void U();
if (e = e.clone().locale(c.locale), B() && e.tz(c.timeZone), 1 !== c.stepping) for (e.minutes(Math.round(e.minutes() / c.stepping) * c.stepping).seconds(0); c.minDate && e.isBefore(c.minDate);) e.add(c.stepping, "minutes");
R(e) ? (f = (u = e).clone(), n.val(u.format(a)), i.data("date", u.format(a)), p = !1, U(), N({
type: "dp.change",
date: u.clone(),
oldDate: t
})) : (c.keepInvalid ? N({
type: "dp.change",
date: e,
oldDate: t
}) : n.val(p ? "" : u.format(a)), N({type: "dp.error", date: e, oldDate: t}))
}, J = function () {
var t = !1;
return y ? (y.find(".collapse").each(function () {
var e = de(this).data("collapse");
return !e || !e.transitioning || !(t = !0)
}), t || (m && m.hasClass("btn") && m.toggleClass("active"), y.hide(), de(window).off("resize", z), y.off("click", "[data-action]"), y.off("mousedown", !1), y.remove(), y = !1, N({
type: "dp.hide",
date: u.clone()
}), n.blur(), f = u.clone()), l) : l
}, K = function () {
}, X = function (e) {
return void 0 === c.parseInputDate ? (!le.isMoment(e) || e instanceof Date) && (e = j(e)) : e = c.parseInputDate(e), e
}, $ = {
next: function () {
var e = t[o].navFnc;
f.add(t[o].navStep, e), Q(), V(e)
}, previous: function () {
var e = t[o].navFnc;
f.subtract(t[o].navStep, e), Q(), V(e)
}, pickerSwitch: function () {
}, selectMonth: function (e) {
var t = de(e.target).closest("tbody").find("span").index(de(e.target));
f.month(t), o === b ? (G(u.clone().year(f.year()).month(f.month())), c.inline || J()) : (Z(-1), Q()), V("M")
}, selectYear: function (e) {
var t = parseInt(de(e.target).text(), 10) || 0;
f.year(t), o === b ? (G(u.clone().year(f.year())), c.inline || J()) : (Z(-1), Q()), V("YYYY")
}, selectDecade: function (e) {
var t = parseInt(de(e.target).data("selection"), 10) || 0;
f.year(t), o === b ? (G(u.clone().year(f.year())), c.inline || J()) : (Z(-1), Q()), V("YYYY")
}, selectDay: function (e) {
var t = f.clone();
de(e.target).is(".old") && t.subtract(1, "M"), de(e.target).is(".new") && t.add(1, "M"), G(t.date(parseInt(de(e.target).text(), 10))), F() || c.keepOpen || c.inline || J()
}, incrementHours: function () {
var e = u.clone().add(1, "h");
R(e, "h") && G(e)
}, incrementMinutes: function () {
var e = u.clone().add(c.stepping, "m");
R(e, "m") && G(e)
}, incrementSeconds: function () {
var e = u.clone().add(1, "s");
R(e, "s") && G(e)
}, decrementHours: function () {
var e = u.clone().subtract(1, "h");
R(e, "h") && G(e)
}, decrementMinutes: function () {
var e = u.clone().subtract(c.stepping, "m");
R(e, "m") && G(e)
}, decrementSeconds: function () {
var e = u.clone().subtract(1, "s");
R(e, "s") && G(e)
}, togglePeriod: function () {
G(u.clone().add(12 <= u.hours() ? -12 : 12, "h"))
}, togglePicker: function (e) {
var t, n = de(e.target), a = n.closest("ul"), r = a.find(".collapse.in"),
i = a.find(".collapse:not(.in)");
if (r && r.length) {
if ((t = r.data("collapse")) && t.transitioning) return;
r.collapse ? (r.collapse("hide"), i.collapse("show")) : (r.removeClass("in show"), i.addClass("in show")), n.is("span") ? n.toggleClass(c.icons.time + " " + c.icons.date) : n.find("span").toggleClass(c.icons.time + " " + c.icons.date)
}, showPicker: function () {
y.find(".timepicker > div:not(.timepicker-picker)").hide(), y.find(".timepicker .timepicker-picker").show()
}, showHours: function () {
y.find(".timepicker > div:not(.timepicker-hours)").hide(), y.find(".timepicker .timepicker-hours").show()
}, showMinutes: function () {
y.find(".timepicker > div:not(.timepicker-minutes)").hide(), y.find(".timepicker .timepicker-minutes").show()
}, showSeconds: function () {
y.find(".timepicker > div:not(.timepicker-seconds)").hide(), y.find(".timepicker .timepicker-seconds").show()
}, selectHour: function (e) {
var t = parseInt(de(e.target).text(), 10);
h || (12 <= u.hours() ? 12 !== t && (t += 12) : 12 === t && (t = 0)), G(u.clone().hours(t)), $.showMinutes.call(l)
}, selectMinute: function (e) {
G(u.clone().minutes(parseInt(de(e.target).text(), 10))), A("s") && $.showSeconds.call(l)
}, selectSecond: function (e) {
G(u.clone().seconds(parseInt(de(e.target).text(), 10)))
}, clear: K, today: function () {
var e = j();
R(e, "d") && G(e)
}, close: J
}, _ = function (e) {
return de(e.currentTarget).is(".disabled") || $[de(e.currentTarget).data("action")].apply(l, arguments), !1
}, ee = function () {
var e;
return n.prop("disabled") || !c.ignoreReadonly && n.prop("readonly") || y || (void 0 !== n.val() && 0 !== n.val().trim().length ? G(X(n.val().trim())) : p && c.useCurrent && (c.inline || n.is("input") && 0 === n.val().trim().length) && (e = j(), "string" == typeof c.useCurrent && (e = {
year: function (e) {
return e.month(0).date(1).hours(0).seconds(0).minutes(0)
}, month: function (e) {
return e.date(1).hours(0).seconds(0).minutes(0)
}, day: function (e) {
return e.hours(0).seconds(0).minutes(0)
}, hour: function (e) {
return e.seconds(0).minutes(0)
}, minute: function (e) {
return e.seconds(0)
}[c.useCurrent](e)), G(e)), y = W(), function () {
var e = de(""), t = f.clone().startOf("w").startOf("d");
for (!0 === c.calendarWeeks && e.append(de("").addClass("cw").text("#")); t.isBefore(f.clone().endOf("w"));) e.append(de(" | ").addClass("dow").text(t.format("dd"))), t.add(1, "d");
y.find(".datepicker-days thead").append(e)
}(), function () {
for (var e = [], t = f.clone().startOf("y").startOf("d"); t.isSame(f, "y");) e.push(de("").attr("data-action", "selectMonth").addClass("month").text(t.format("MMM"))), t.add(1, "M");
y.find(".datepicker-months td").empty().append(e)
}(), y.find(".timepicker-minutes").hide(), y.find(".timepicker-seconds").hide(), U(), Z(), de(window).on("resize", z), y.on("click", "[data-action]", _), y.on("mousedown", !1), m && m.hasClass("btn") && m.toggleClass("active"), z(), y.show(), c.focusOnShow && !n.is(":focus") && n.focus(), N({type: "dp.show"})), l
}, te = function () {
return y ? J() : ee()
}, ne = function (e) {
var t, n, a, r, i = null, o = [], s = {}, d = e.which;
for (t in x[d] = "p", x) x.hasOwnProperty(t) && "p" === x[t] && (o.push(t), parseInt(t, 10) !== d && (s[t] = !0));
for (t in c.keyBinds) if (c.keyBinds.hasOwnProperty(t) && "function" == typeof c.keyBinds[t] && (a = t.split(" ")).length === o.length && D[d] === a[a.length - 1]) {
for (r = !0, n = a.length - 2; 0 <= n; n--) if (!(D[a[n]] in s)) {
r = !1;
if (r) {
i = c.keyBinds[t];
i && (i.call(l, y), e.stopPropagation(), e.preventDefault())
}, ae = function (e) {
x[e.which] = "r", e.stopPropagation(), e.preventDefault()
}, re = function (e) {
var t = de(e.target).val().trim(), n = t ? X(t) : null;
return G(n), e.stopImmediatePropagation(), !1
}, ie = function (e) {
var t = {};
return de.each(e, function () {
var e = X(this);
e.isValid() && (t[e.format("YYYY-MM-DD")] = !0)
}), !!Object.keys(t).length && t
}, oe = function (e) {
var t = {};
return de.each(e, function () {
t[this] = !0
}), !!Object.keys(t).length && t
}, se = function () {
var e = c.format || "L LT";
a = e.replace(/(\[[^\[]*\])|(\\)?(LTS|LT|LL?L?L?|l{1,4})/g, function (e) {
return (u.localeData().longDateFormat(e) || e).replace(/(\[[^\[]*\])|(\\)?(LTS|LT|LL?L?L?|l{1,4})/g, function (e) {
return u.localeData().longDateFormat(e) || e
}), (r = c.extraFormats ? c.extraFormats.slice() : []).indexOf(e) < 0 && r.indexOf(a) < 0 && r.push(a), h = a.toLowerCase().indexOf("a") < 1 && a.replace(/\[.*?\]/g, "").indexOf("h") < 1, A("y") && (b = 2), A("M") && (b = 1), A("d") && (b = 0), o = Math.max(b, o), p || G(u)
if (l.destroy = function () {
J(), n.off({
change: re,
blur: blur,
keydown: ne,
keyup: ae,
focus: c.allowInputToggle ? J : ""
}), i.is("input") ? n.off({focus: ee}) : m && (m.off("click", te), m.off("mousedown", !1)), i.removeData("DateTimePicker"), i.removeData("date")
}, l.toggle = te, l.show = ee, l.hide = J, l.disable = function () {
return J(), m && m.hasClass("btn") && m.addClass("disabled"), n.prop("disabled", !0), l
}, l.enable = function () {
return m && m.hasClass("btn") && m.removeClass("disabled"), n.prop("disabled", !1), l
}, l.ignoreReadonly = function (e) {
if (0 === arguments.length) return c.ignoreReadonly;
if ("boolean" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("ignoreReadonly () expects a boolean parameter");
return c.ignoreReadonly = e, l
}, l.options = function (e) {
if (0 === arguments.length) return de.extend(!0, {}, c);
if (!(e instanceof Object)) throw new TypeError("options() options parameter should be an object");
return de.extend(!0, c, e), de.each(c, function (e, t) {
if (void 0 === l[e]) throw new TypeError("option " + e + " is not recognized!");
}), l
}, l.hideAmPm = function (e) {
if (0 === arguments.length) return c.hideAmPm;
if ("boolean" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("hideAmPm() expects a boolean parameter");
return c.hideAmPm = e, l
}, l.hideSeconds = function (e) {
if (0 === arguments.length) return c.hideSeconds;
if ("boolean" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("hideSeconds() expects a boolean parameter");
return c.hideSeconds = e, l
}, l.date = function (e) {
if (0 === arguments.length) return p ? null : u.clone();
if (!(null === e || "string" == typeof e || le.isMoment(e) || e instanceof Date)) throw new TypeError("date() parameter must be one of [null, string, moment or Date]");
return G(null === e ? null : X(e)), l
}, l.format = function (e) {
if (0 === arguments.length) return c.format;
if ("string" != typeof e && ("boolean" != typeof e || !1 !== e)) throw new TypeError("format() expects a string or boolean:false parameter " + e);
return c.format = e, a && se(), l
}, l.timeZone = function (e) {
if (0 === arguments.length) return c.timeZone;
if ("string" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("newZone() expects a string parameter");
return c.timeZone = e, l
}, l.dayViewHeaderFormat = function (e) {
if (0 === arguments.length) return c.dayViewHeaderFormat;
if ("string" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("dayViewHeaderFormat() expects a string parameter");
return c.dayViewHeaderFormat = e, l
}, l.extraFormats = function (e) {
if (0 === arguments.length) return c.extraFormats;
if (!1 !== e && !(e instanceof Array)) throw new TypeError("extraFormats() expects an array or false parameter");
return c.extraFormats = e, r && se(), l
}, l.disabledDates = function (e) {
if (0 === arguments.length) return c.disabledDates ? de.extend({}, c.disabledDates) : c.disabledDates;
if (!e) return c.disabledDates = !1, U(), l;
if (!(e instanceof Array)) throw new TypeError("disabledDates() expects an array parameter");
return c.disabledDates = ie(e), c.enabledDates = !1, U(), l
}, l.enabledDates = function (e) {
if (0 === arguments.length) return c.enabledDates ? de.extend({}, c.enabledDates) : c.enabledDates;
if (!e) return c.enabledDates = !1, U(), l;
if (!(e instanceof Array)) throw new TypeError("enabledDates() expects an array parameter");
return c.enabledDates = ie(e), c.disabledDates = !1, U(), l
}, l.daysOfWeekDisabled = function (e) {
if (0 === arguments.length) return c.daysOfWeekDisabled.splice(0);
if ("boolean" == typeof e && !e) return c.daysOfWeekDisabled = !1, U(), l;
if (!(e instanceof Array)) throw new TypeError("daysOfWeekDisabled() expects an array parameter");
if (c.daysOfWeekDisabled = e.reduce(function (e, t) {
return 6 < (t = parseInt(t, 10)) || t < 0 || isNaN(t) || -1 === e.indexOf(t) && e.push(t), e
}, []).sort(), c.useCurrent && !c.keepInvalid) {
for (var t = 0; !R(u, "d");) {
if (u.add(1, "d"), 31 === t) throw"Tried 31 times to find a valid date";
return U(), l
}, l.maxDate = function (e) {
if (0 === arguments.length) return c.maxDate ? c.maxDate.clone() : c.maxDate;
if ("boolean" == typeof e && !1 === e) return c.maxDate = !1, U(), l;
"string" == typeof e && ("now" !== e && "moment" !== e || (e = j()));
var t = X(e);
if (!t.isValid()) throw new TypeError("maxDate() Could not parse date parameter: " + e);
if (c.minDate && t.isBefore(c.minDate)) throw new TypeError("maxDate() date parameter is before options.minDate: " + t.format(a));
return c.maxDate = t, c.useCurrent && !c.keepInvalid && u.isAfter(e) && G(c.maxDate), f.isAfter(t) && (f = t.clone().subtract(c.stepping, "m")), U(), l
}, l.minDate = function (e) {
if (0 === arguments.length) return c.minDate ? c.minDate.clone() : c.minDate;
if ("boolean" == typeof e && !1 === e) return c.minDate = !1, U(), l;
"string" == typeof e && ("now" !== e && "moment" !== e || (e = j()));
var t = X(e);
if (!t.isValid()) throw new TypeError("minDate() Could not parse date parameter: " + e);
if (c.maxDate && t.isAfter(c.maxDate)) throw new TypeError("minDate() date parameter is after options.maxDate: " + t.format(a));
return c.minDate = t, c.useCurrent && !c.keepInvalid && u.isBefore(e) && G(c.minDate), f.isBefore(t) && (f = t.clone().add(c.stepping, "m")), U(), l
}, l.defaultDate = function (e) {
if (0 === arguments.length) return c.defaultDate ? c.defaultDate.clone() : c.defaultDate;
if (!e) return c.defaultDate = !1, l;
"string" == typeof e && (e = "now" === e || "moment" === e ? j() : j(e));
var t = X(e);
if (!t.isValid()) throw new TypeError("defaultDate() Could not parse date parameter: " + e);
if (!R(t)) throw new TypeError("defaultDate() date passed is invalid according to component setup validations");
return c.defaultDate = t, (c.defaultDate && c.inline || "" === n.val().trim()) && G(c.defaultDate), l
}, l.locale = function (e) {
if (0 === arguments.length) return c.locale;
if (!le.localeData(e)) throw new TypeError("locale() locale " + e + " is not loaded from moment locales!");
return c.locale = e, u.locale(c.locale), f.locale(c.locale), a && se(), y && (J(), ee()), l
}, l.stepping = function (e) {
return 0 === arguments.length ? c.stepping : (e = parseInt(e, 10), (isNaN(e) || e < 1) && (e = 1), c.stepping = e, l)
}, l.useCurrent = function (e) {
var t = ["year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute"];
if (0 === arguments.length) return c.useCurrent;
if ("boolean" != typeof e && "string" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("useCurrent() expects a boolean or string parameter");
if ("string" == typeof e && -1 === t.indexOf(e.toLowerCase())) throw new TypeError("useCurrent() expects a string parameter of " + t.join(", "));
return c.useCurrent = e, l
}, l.collapse = function (e) {
if (0 === arguments.length) return c.collapse;
if ("boolean" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("collapse() expects a boolean parameter");
return c.collapse === e || (c.collapse = e, y && (J(), ee())), l
}, l.icons = function (e) {
if (0 === arguments.length) return de.extend({}, c.icons);
if (!(e instanceof Object)) throw new TypeError("icons() expects parameter to be an Object");
return de.extend(c.icons, e), y && (J(), ee()), l
}, l.tooltips = function (e) {
if (0 === arguments.length) return de.extend({}, c.tooltips);
if (!(e instanceof Object)) throw new TypeError("tooltips() expects parameter to be an Object");
return de.extend(c.tooltips, e), y && (J(), ee()), l
}, l.useStrict = function (e) {
if (0 === arguments.length) return c.useStrict;
if ("boolean" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("useStrict() expects a boolean parameter");
return c.useStrict = e, l
}, l.sideBySide = function (e) {
if (0 === arguments.length) return c.sideBySide;
if ("boolean" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("sideBySide() expects a boolean parameter");
return c.sideBySide = e, y && (J(), ee()), l
}, l.viewMode = function (e) {
if (0 === arguments.length) return c.viewMode;
if ("string" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("viewMode() expects a string parameter");
if (-1 === w.indexOf(e)) throw new TypeError("viewMode() parameter must be one of (" + w.join(", ") + ") value");
return c.viewMode = e, o = Math.max(w.indexOf(e), b), Z(), l
}, l.toolbarPlacement = function (e) {
if (0 === arguments.length) return c.toolbarPlacement;
if ("string" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("toolbarPlacement() expects a string parameter");
if (-1 === k.indexOf(e)) throw new TypeError("toolbarPlacement() parameter must be one of (" + k.join(", ") + ") value");
return c.toolbarPlacement = e, y && (J(), ee()), l
}, l.widgetPositioning = function (e) {
if (0 === arguments.length) return de.extend({}, c.widgetPositioning);
if ("[object Object]" !== {}.toString.call(e)) throw new TypeError("widgetPositioning() expects an object variable");
if (e.horizontal) {
if ("string" != typeof e.horizontal) throw new TypeError("widgetPositioning() horizontal variable must be a string");
if (e.horizontal = e.horizontal.toLowerCase(), -1 === v.indexOf(e.horizontal)) throw new TypeError("widgetPositioning() expects horizontal parameter to be one of (" + v.join(", ") + ")");
c.widgetPositioning.horizontal = e.horizontal
if (e.vertical) {
if ("string" != typeof e.vertical) throw new TypeError("widgetPositioning() vertical variable must be a string");
if (e.vertical = e.vertical.toLowerCase(), -1 === g.indexOf(e.vertical)) throw new TypeError("widgetPositioning() expects vertical parameter to be one of (" + g.join(", ") + ")");
c.widgetPositioning.vertical = e.vertical
return U(), l
}, l.calendarWeeks = function (e) {
if (0 === arguments.length) return c.calendarWeeks;
if ("boolean" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("calendarWeeks() expects parameter to be a boolean value");
return c.calendarWeeks = e, U(), l
}, l.showTodayButton = function (e) {
if (0 === arguments.length) return c.showTodayButton;
if ("boolean" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("showTodayButton() expects a boolean parameter");
return c.showTodayButton = e, y && (J(), ee()), l
}, l.showClear = function (e) {
if (0 === arguments.length) return c.showClear;
if ("boolean" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("showClear() expects a boolean parameter");
return c.showClear = e, y && (J(), ee()), l
}, l.widgetParent = function (e) {
if (0 === arguments.length) return c.widgetParent;
if ("string" == typeof e && (e = de(e)), null !== e && "string" != typeof e && !(e instanceof de)) throw new TypeError("widgetParent() expects a string or a jQuery object parameter");
return c.widgetParent = e, y && (J(), ee()), l
}, l.keepOpen = function (e) {
if (0 === arguments.length) return c.keepOpen;
if ("boolean" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("keepOpen() expects a boolean parameter");
return c.keepOpen = e, l
}, l.focusOnShow = function (e) {
if (0 === arguments.length) return c.focusOnShow;
if ("boolean" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("focusOnShow() expects a boolean parameter");
return c.focusOnShow = e, l
}, l.inline = function (e) {
if (0 === arguments.length) return c.inline;
if ("boolean" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("inline() expects a boolean parameter");
return c.inline = e, l
}, l.clear = function () {
return K(), l
}, l.keyBinds = function (e) {
return 0 === arguments.length ? c.keyBinds : (c.keyBinds = e, l)
}, l.getMoment = function (e) {
return j(e)
}, l.debug = function (e) {
if ("boolean" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("debug() expects a boolean parameter");
return c.debug = e, l
}, l.allowInputToggle = function (e) {
if (0 === arguments.length) return c.allowInputToggle;
if ("boolean" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("allowInputToggle() expects a boolean parameter");
return c.allowInputToggle = e, l
}, l.showClose = function (e) {
if (0 === arguments.length) return c.showClose;
if ("boolean" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("showClose() expects a boolean parameter");
return c.showClose = e, l
}, l.keepInvalid = function (e) {
if (0 === arguments.length) return c.keepInvalid;
if ("boolean" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("keepInvalid() expects a boolean parameter");
return c.keepInvalid = e, l
}, l.datepickerInput = function (e) {
if (0 === arguments.length) return c.datepickerInput;
if ("string" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("datepickerInput() expects a string parameter");
return c.datepickerInput = e, l
}, l.parseInputDate = function (e) {
if (0 === arguments.length) return c.parseInputDate;
if ("function" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("parseInputDate() sholud be as function");
return c.parseInputDate = e, l
}, l.disabledTimeIntervals = function (e) {
if (0 === arguments.length) return c.disabledTimeIntervals ? de.extend({}, c.disabledTimeIntervals) : c.disabledTimeIntervals;
if (!e) return c.disabledTimeIntervals = !1, U(), l;
if (!(e instanceof Array)) throw new TypeError("disabledTimeIntervals() expects an array parameter");
return c.disabledTimeIntervals = e, U(), l
}, l.disabledHours = function (e) {
if (0 === arguments.length) return c.disabledHours ? de.extend({}, c.disabledHours) : c.disabledHours;
if (!e) return c.disabledHours = !1, U(), l;
if (!(e instanceof Array)) throw new TypeError("disabledHours() expects an array parameter");
if (c.disabledHours = oe(e), c.enabledHours = !1, c.useCurrent && !c.keepInvalid) {
for (var t = 0; !R(u, "h");) {
if (u.add(1, "h"), 24 === t) throw"Tried 24 times to find a valid date";
return U(), l
}, l.enabledHours = function (e) {
if (0 === arguments.length) return c.enabledHours ? de.extend({}, c.enabledHours) : c.enabledHours;
if (!e) return c.enabledHours = !1, U(), l;
if (!(e instanceof Array)) throw new TypeError("enabledHours() expects an array parameter");
if (c.enabledHours = oe(e), c.disabledHours = !1, c.useCurrent && !c.keepInvalid) {
for (var t = 0; !R(u, "h");) {
if (u.add(1, "h"), 24 === t) throw"Tried 24 times to find a valid date";
return U(), l
}, l.viewDate = function (e) {
if (0 === arguments.length) return f.clone();
if (!e) return f = u.clone(), l;
if (!("string" == typeof e || le.isMoment(e) || e instanceof Date)) throw new TypeError("viewDate() parameter must be one of [string, moment or Date]");
return f = X(e), V(), l
}, i.is("input")) n = i; else if (0 === (n = i.find(c.datepickerInput)).length) n = i.find("input"); else if (!n.is("input")) throw new Error('CSS class "' + c.datepickerInput + '" cannot be applied to non input element');
if (i.hasClass("input-group") && (m = 0 === i.find(".datepickerbutton").length ? i.find(".input-group-addon") : i.find(".datepickerbutton")), !c.inline && !n.is("input")) throw new Error("Could not initialize DateTimePicker without an input element");
return u = j(), f = u.clone(), de.extend(!0, c, (d = {}, (s = i.is("input") || c.inline ? i.data() : i.find("input").data()).dateOptions && s.dateOptions instanceof Object && (d = de.extend(!0, d, s.dateOptions)), de.each(c, function (e) {
var t = "date" + e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.slice(1);
void 0 !== s[t] && (d[e] = s[t])
}), d)), l.options(c), se(), n.on({
change: re,
blur: c.debug ? "" : J,
keydown: ne,
keyup: ae,
focus: c.allowInputToggle ? ee : ""
}), i.is("input") ? n.on({focus: ee}) : m && (m.on("click", te), m.on("mousedown", !1)), n.prop("disabled") && l.disable(), n.is("input") && 0 !== n.val().trim().length ? G(X(n.val().trim())) : c.defaultDate && void 0 === n.attr("placeholder") && G(c.defaultDate), c.inline && ee(), l
return de.fn.datetimepicker = function (n) {
n = n || {};
var t, a = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1), r = !0;
if ("object" == typeof n) return this.each(function () {
var e, t = de(this);
t.data("DateTimePicker") || (e = de.extend(!0, {}, de.fn.datetimepicker.defaults, n), t.data("DateTimePicker", i(t, e)))
if ("string" == typeof n) return this.each(function () {
var e = de(this).data("DateTimePicker");
if (!e) throw new Error('bootstrap-datetimepicker("' + n + '") method was called on an element that is not using DateTimePicker');
t = e[n].apply(e, a), r = t === e
}), r || -1 < de.inArray(n, ["destroy", "hide", "show", "toggle"]) ? this : t;
throw new TypeError("Invalid arguments for DateTimePicker: " + n)
}, de.fn.datetimepicker.defaults = {
hideAmPm: !1,
hideSeconds: !1,
timeZone: "",
format: !1,
dayViewHeaderFormat: "MMMM YYYY",
extraFormats: !1,
stepping: 1,
minDate: !1,
maxDate: !1,
useCurrent: !0,
collapse: !0,
locale: le.locale(),
defaultDate: !1,
disabledDates: !1,
enabledDates: !1,
icons: {
time: "glyphicon glyphicon-time fa fa-clock-o",
date: "glyphicon glyphicon-calendar fa fa-calendar",
up: "glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-up fa fa-chevron-up",
down: "glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down fa fa-chevron-down",
previous: "glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left fa fa-chevron-left",
next: "glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right fa fa-chevron-right",
today: "glyphicon glyphicon-screenshot fa fa-calendar-check-o",
clear: "glyphicon glyphicon-trash fa fa-trash",
close: "glyphicon glyphicon-remove fa fa-times"
tooltips: {
today: "Go to today",
clear: "Clear selection",
close: "Close the picker",
selectMonth: "Select Month",
prevMonth: "Previous Month",
nextMonth: "Next Month",
selectYear: "Select Year",
prevYear: "Previous Year",
nextYear: "Next Year",
selectDecade: "Select Decade",
prevDecade: "Previous Decade",
nextDecade: "Next Decade",
prevCentury: "Previous Century",
nextCentury: "Next Century",
pickHour: "Pick Hour",
incrementHour: "Increment Hour",
decrementHour: "Decrement Hour",
pickMinute: "Pick Minute",
incrementMinute: "Increment Minute",
decrementMinute: "Decrement Minute",
pickSecond: "Pick Second",
incrementSecond: "Increment Second",
decrementSecond: "Decrement Second",
togglePeriod: "Toggle Period",
selectTime: "Select Time"
useStrict: !1,
sideBySide: !1,
daysOfWeekDisabled: !1,
calendarWeeks: !1,
viewMode: "days",
toolbarPlacement: "default",
showTodayButton: !1,
showClear: !1,
showClose: !1,
widgetPositioning: {horizontal: "auto", vertical: "auto"},
widgetParent: null,
ignoreReadonly: !1,
keepOpen: !1,
focusOnShow: !0,
inline: !1,
keepInvalid: !1,
datepickerInput: ".datepickerinput",
keyBinds: {
up: function (e) {
if (e) {
var t = this.date() || this.getMoment();
e.find(".datepicker").is(":visible") ? this.date(t.clone().subtract(7, "d")) : this.date(t.clone().add(this.stepping(), "m"))
}, down: function (e) {
if (e) {
var t = this.date() || this.getMoment();
e.find(".datepicker").is(":visible") ? this.date(t.clone().add(7, "d")) : this.date(t.clone().subtract(this.stepping(), "m"))
} else this.show()
}, "control up": function (e) {
if (e) {
var t = this.date() || this.getMoment();
e.find(".datepicker").is(":visible") ? this.date(t.clone().subtract(1, "y")) : this.date(t.clone().add(1, "h"))
}, "control down": function (e) {
if (e) {
var t = this.date() || this.getMoment();
e.find(".datepicker").is(":visible") ? this.date(t.clone().add(1, "y")) : this.date(t.clone().subtract(1, "h"))
}, left: function (e) {
if (e) {
var t = this.date() || this.getMoment();
e.find(".datepicker").is(":visible") && this.date(t.clone().subtract(1, "d"))
}, right: function (e) {
if (e) {
var t = this.date() || this.getMoment();
e.find(".datepicker").is(":visible") && this.date(t.clone().add(1, "d"))
}, pageUp: function (e) {
if (e) {
var t = this.date() || this.getMoment();
e.find(".datepicker").is(":visible") && this.date(t.clone().subtract(1, "M"))
}, pageDown: function (e) {
if (e) {
var t = this.date() || this.getMoment();
e.find(".datepicker").is(":visible") && this.date(t.clone().add(1, "M"))
}, enter: function () {
}, escape: function () {
}, "control space": function (e) {
e && e.find(".timepicker").is(":visible") && e.find('.btn[data-action="togglePeriod"]').click()
}, t: function () {
}, delete: function () {
debug: !1,
allowInputToggle: !1,
disabledTimeIntervals: !1,
disabledHours: !1,
enabledHours: !1,
viewDate: !1
}, de.fn.datetimepicker